Examining the Lived Experiences of a Population Undergoing LTC Practice


  • Dr. Virat Nizom


In LTCs, both legal and ethical considerations are important. Ethical considerations concern issues such as beneficence, the futility of treatment, confidentiality, and, autonomy and informed consent. Other ethical considerations required among care providers include therapeutic alliances regarding physician-patient relationships, truth telling, justice (regarding fairness and lawfulness), and non-abandonment. Therefore, ethical and legal requirements exhibit a complementary relationship in such a way that the latter requires LTC facility operators to comply with laws governing the health care industry at the state, federal, and local levels while the former advocates for human rights. In summary, ethical considerations are internal to the LTCs while legal requirements are external, developed by authorities governing the general state of quality service provision while curbing cases of neglect and patient abuse.



How to Cite

Dr. Virat Nizom. (2021). Examining the Lived Experiences of a Population Undergoing LTC Practice. International Journal of Respiratory Care, 14(1), 05–08. Retrieved from http://greycoatpublishing.co.uk/IJRC/index.php/journal/article/view/15


